University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Real World Action Scholarships and Mountain Cat Awards

The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown is committed to providing students with a solid foundation for career and professional success.  Each year, we pause to honor students for their achievements in their co-curricular experiences. 

Real World Action Scholarships

Student Affairs team members work closely with students to guide them in areas including civic engagement and citizenship, career preparation, collegiate involvement, and community engagement. This commitment to real-world readiness extends to recognizing students for outstanding achievement in the form of Real World Action Scholarships.  $1000 scholarships were awarded to the following students:   

In order to be eligible for a Real World Action Scholarship, applicants must:

  • submit a completed application at this link  
  • have a minimum GPA of 3.0,
  • be currently enrolled on a full-time basis,
  • have no current judicial sanctions, and
  • prepare an essay (between 500 and 750 words) answering the following questions:
    • While a student at 立博app, how you have seized opportunities in the following areas: 1) career preparation, 2) campus involvement, 3) community involvement, 4) civic engagement, and 5) making a difference in the world, and
    • How have those opportunities helped to prepare you for the real world?

Mountain Cat Award Descriptions and Nomination Links 


Climbing Mountain Cat Award - The Climbing Mountain Cat Award honors a non-officer member who represents the future of the student organization.  They exhibit leadership without holding a formal leadership position.  The nominee should be a rostered member for the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 academic year.  Each organization can nominate up to three recipients of the award.  

This year's award winner is Dylan Kenny of Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity

Outstanding Faculty Advisor/Outstanding Staff Advisor -This award honors a faculty or staff member who has provided outstanding support of an organization. Organizations may nominate one staff and one faculty member for this award. The person(s) nominated must have made a significant impact on your student organization's success and/or daily operations and activities and does not need to be the advisor to that student organization. 

The Outstanding Faculty Advisor is Dr. Ryan Kerrigan, Geology Club for his great work coordinating the club's international experience to Iceland. 

The Outstanding Staff Advisor award is John Ziats, Student Affairs. John is an awesome support to our Commuter Club on campus. 

Unsung Mountain Cat Award - Organizations may nominate their advisor for demonstrating outstanding service and support of the group. He/she should be actively involved in the organization's activities and events. This person must have been the advisor during the 2022-2023 academic year and be rostered with the university.  

This year's winner is Heather Bloom Hall, Director of Campus Activities and Engagement for her work with the 立博app Program Board. 

Fraternity and Sorority Life Mountain Cat Awards - These awards acknowledge the work, leadership, and contributions of brothers and sisters in the Fraternity/Sorority Life community. These awards are for the four registered social Greek organizations.  

Rising Star Award - given to a member or new member of a national chapter that has positively impacted the chapter or FSL community. The individual is considered a positive person to watch for the future of Fraternity and Sorority Life at 立博app

This year's winner is Augustine Mucci of Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. 

Fraternity Brother of the Year-  The recipient of this award is an example of how to live the values of fraternity life. He will positively represent the men in his chapter, both on campus and in the fraternity. He should also be active on campus, have a solid grade point average, and be a positive representative to our overall FSL community. 

This year's winner is Thomas Deasy, Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. 

Sorority Sister of the Year- The recipient of this award is an example of how to live the values of fraternity/sorority life. They will positively represent the women in the chapter, both on campus, and in the fraternity, They should also be active on campus, have a solid grade point average, and be a positive representative to our overall FSL community.

This year's winner is Caitlin Crocco, Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity 

Fraternity Man of the Year - The recipient of this award is an example of how to live the values of fraternity life. He positively represents the men in the chapter both on campus and in the fraternity. He should be active on campus, have a respectful and positive relationship with the all chapters on campus, have a solid grade point average and be a positive representative of the FSL community. 

This year's winner is Thomas Deasy, Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. 

Sorority Woman of the Year - The recipient of this award is an example of how to live the values of fraternity life. They positive represent the women in the chapter both on campus and in the fraternity. They should be active on campus, have a respectful and positive relationship with all chapters on campus, have a solid grade point average and be a positive representative of the FSL community. 

This year's Taylor Harrity, Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity

Academic Achievers Award - Scholarship is a vital pillar in the FSL world. We are students before we are members of our organizations. This award is given to the organization that has the highest GPA of all four nationally recognized social organizations. This year's winner for the Fall 2022 term is Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity. 

New Member Academic Achievement Award - This award honors the FSL chapter that had the highest GPA of all new members in their organization for Fall 2022. We are excited to celebrate the new members of Delta Chi Fraternity. 

Fraternity Sorority Life Officer of the Year - This award is presented to an officer who goes above and beyond. The winner of this award should lead by example and be willing to set their chapter's interests ahead of their own and strive to help their brothers or sisters thrive. Through his role as vice president, he has made strides to make this chapter more efficient and welcoming. 

This year's winner is Benjamin Worsnup, Vice President of Sigma Tau Fraternity. 


Outstanding Service and Leadership Award - This award honors an outstanding student in service and leadership who has demonstrated involvement in community service in the greater Alleghenies.  They have also demonstrated great leadership in teams, organizations, or academics. Each organization is asked to nominate just one nominee. 

This year's winner is Jared Bloom of Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. 

Elite Mountain Cat - The Elite Mountain Cat Award honors an outstanding officer who has demonstrated great leadership skills that were above and beyond the job description of their role.  The nominee must have served as a rostered officer in the 2022-2023 academic year. Organizations may nominate up to two officers for this award. 

This year's winner is Rebecca Williamson of Dance Ensemble. 

The Commitment To Community for Outstanding Service Award - This award honors an organization that has contributed outstanding service to the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Campus, the greater Cambria County community and beyond.  The services provided by the nominees are voluntary, unpaid and non-compensated activities for the benefit of the community as a whole.  The community service must have occurred during the 2022-2023 academic year.   All service hours in the nomination should be recorded on campus services for the student organization up to April 3, 2022 at 11:00 p.m. 

This year's winner is Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity for 2196 reported hours for the 2022-2023 academic year! 

Mountain Cat Award for Program of the Year - This award honors an organization that has conducted a program or event that had a positive impact on the organization's members and/or the campus community.  Nominees will be judged on the quality and outcome of the program or event. This program must have occurred during the 2022-2023 academic year.  Due to the length of the answers for this award, we invite you to submit multiple events (up to three nominations) by starting a new form for each nominated program.  

This year's winner is the 立博app Program Board for the "NERDOLOGY" Trivia Night in Fall 2022. 

Exceptional Mountain Cat Award /Student Organization of the Year -This award honors the organization that has exceeded expectations in all aspects including programming, service, leadership, and campus involvement.  Eligibility is reserved for organizations that have completed all minimum organization reporting and programming requirements (submitting rosters in a timely fashion, completed service hours, and provided campus programming, etc.).  They are a positive representation of the leadership and service on our campus and are collaborative and supportive in spirit with other students and campus departments. Clubs are encouraged to nominate ONE student organization for this award.  

This year we awarded two organizations this distinction.  College Republicans had an exceptional and organized approach to their event planning and delivery for the year. We also awarded Chem E this honor for their impeccable attention to detail with their travel planning for both the regional and national Chem E competitions. 

Inclusive Programming Award - This award is for any student organization program or event that provides inclusive education, support, and/or social interaction for the wider campus community. The event must be open to all (not just within a particular organization’s membership) and be sponsored by a student group. 

This year's winner is the Black Action Society!

Student Trailblazer Award  This award goes to a student leader has demonstrated a long-term commitment to inclusion and diversity at 立博app through a multiplicity of engagement and across disciplines/programs. 

This year's winner is Angel Auxtero. 

Commuter Student of The Year This award is presented to a student leader who has demonstrated commitment to the 立博app while commuting from home. This student leader is involved on campus and in the community striving to make a positive impact on campus culture. 

This year's winner is Haleigh Keyser of Phi Sigma Sigma and Theatre Arts Club. 

The Mountain Cat Strong Award:  This new award is given to a group of dedicated women who exemplify hard work, determination, flexibility, persistence and resilience in the face of adversity. The Student Affairs team would like to acknowledge the Lady Cat Cheerleaders for their recent strength of character and consistent commitment to their mission during their trip to Daytona. While they did not have the experience they worked all year to achieve, they continue to represent the strong spirit of our university. 

Student Athlete Awards 

Woman Athlete of the Year 

Haley Neidig - Women's Soccer

Male Athlete of the Year 

Andrew Schull- Men's Basketball 

Highest GPA/Classroom Excellence Award 

  • Sachi Negri -Women's Soccer
  • Molly Wagoner - Women's Basketball 

Community Service


Sportsmanship Engagement Award


Servant Leadership

  • Madelie Cecere - Women's Basketball 
  • Brock Biddle - Wrestling
  • Nate Smith - Nate Smith 
  • Ailah Charles - Softball 

Student Athlete of the Year 

John Paul Kromka - Men's Basketball 


Student Organization Awards - submitted by registered student organizations. 

Student Government Association Awards - 

  • Committee of the Year - The Oversight Committee Chaired by Flash Stroop
  • Senator of the Year - Logan Wolfe, Campus Development Committee 
  • Outstanding New Senator of the Year - Beth Sharrofna - Student Life Committee 

Dance Ensemble - 

  • Rising Star Award - Autumn Smith 
  • Ray of Sunshine Award - Sarah Matsko
  • Wingardium Leviosa Award - Eryn Marsh 

Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity: 

  • Star Senior Sister Award - Montana Mahler 
  • Sister of the Year  - Haleigh Keyser
  • Rising Star - Allison Seager 

立博app Program Board: 

  • Member of the Year: Jay Miller 
  • Outstanding first-year member: Rachel Dorn
  • Officer of the Year: Abigail Barry 

Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania (SNAP): 

  • Daisy Award: Jenna Lyttle